This is a 41 page fully loaded "Do It Yourself" credit repair E-book. You will be fully equipped with everything you'll need to clean your credit report. You will receive a .pdf(1MB) file By purchasing this product, the customer understands that no physical product will be delivered. This product is...

This is a 41 page fully loaded "Do It Yourself" credit repair E-book. You will be fully equipped with everything you'll need to clean your credit report.

You will receive a .pdf(1MB) file

By purchasing this product, the customer understands that no physical product will be delivered. This product is a digital download that will instantly be available after purchase is confirmed, and can only be downloaded once per purchase! Saving the downloaded digital file to a trusted computer, phone, or device is highly recommended upon purchase! All sales are final! No refunds are permitted! By purchasing this product, the customer agrees that our company is not responsible for the customer failing to save their digital download file, and understands that no refunds will be issued! 

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